Elegumus Business Theme Package for Blogger Blogging Theme
Elegumus is a business style theme package for Blogger powered blogs which includes two different color schemes for the template: neutral and dark.
View Live Previews:
Neutral: http://elegumus-template.blogspot.com/
Dark: http://elegumus-dark-template.blogspot.com/
You can also view the screencast which explains how to upload and configure the Elegumus package for your Blogger blog.
These templates are sleek and elegant designs, offering many unique features which are not available for other Blogger templates:
- Integrated menu bar, easily customizable through the Blogger dashboard
- Built in search form
- Custom header style (with PSD source files)
- “Featured” section on the home page, ideal for products/featured links/other important content (Includes “equal columns” script to ensure these widgets always display at the same height)
- Tabbed sidebar navigation, easily configured through the Blogger dashboard (based on Yahoo! TabView)
- Page numbered navigation on main pages
- Author comment highlighting, to distinguish between author and reader comments
- Fully widget ready
- Easily customized through the Blogger dashboard
Included in this theme package you will find:
- Two different XML templates (for the Neutral and Dark versions)
- All images required for these templates
- PSD source files for the header logo
- Comprehensive help file (PDF) and HTML page with embedded 15 minute screencast to help you upload and configure your new Blogger template
The Elegumus theme package is ideal for business bloggers who need an elegant design to showcase their products or services. The choice of two different color schemes enables you to use the design style most suited for your individual needs, while the integrated widgets ensure customization is simple and fast, so you can edit your layout easily without having to access the HTML code.
great theme
ReplyDeleteI’m sure its been mentioned to you before, but you should really think about learning WordPress. You’ve got some really great themes that would probably sell great as WordPress themes. Good job on this one though, very neat and clean.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the vote of confidence, Clarklab
ReplyDeleteI have considered designing themes for Wordpress (it could certainly help me earn a little more on ThemeForest!), and am certainly able to as I’ve used Wordpress extensively in the past. The thing holding me back is my established reputation as an expert with Blogger (through my blog, guest postings, etc). I’m not sure if this would be affected if I began designing for Wordpress
For the time being, I’ll stick to designing for Blogger, and hope that as Theme Forest grows so does the demand for premium Blogger templates. Because as far as I’m aware, this is the only theme site offering premium Blogger themes at the moment!
I think it’s extremely rude to not allow customers to purchase $10 dollar themes and FORCE them to deposit $20 dollars.
ReplyDeleteYou won’t get my business by doing shady business practices.
Hi Amanda!
ReplyDeleteThere are some awesome details on this template – great structure, cool tabbed menu on sidebar, and I love the page navigator at the bottom.
Really love your work and I’m definitely going to get this. Just wondering, I just think you’re missing a more magazine-style (white background, minimalistic) template on your collection.
ReplyDeleteAny chance of you making a nice Samurai or ninja Blogger plate? Nothing kiddie, something with a bit of respect instead of the usual anime stuff.
Love the blog template. I purchased it and am currently having trouble with the upload … simplemomentsofgrace.blogspot.com