AdminSkin HTML

Themeforest AdminSkin HTML

Download AdminSkin HTML

Download AdminSkin HTML

AdminSkin is a back end theme for any dynamic web site. It uses the latest and greatest of the jQuery library to create a usable and degradable site, while using good code practices and valid code. Plus, it includes a detailed color PDF Manual and screencast support to help anyone use this theme to its full potential. While relatively simple, it can support many layers of navigation.


  • Custom jQuery

  • All Icons are custom made which means you can use them on your site without restrictions!

  • Login Page Included

  • Pre-styled elements allow easy customization

  • 3 Color Schemes Included

  • Color Scheme Switcher that remembers chosen scheme

  • Date Picker Form

  • Easy to customize color scheme

  • Pre-Styled Code Highlighting

  • Functions fine without javascript

This theme comes with great support: a detailed manual and online screencasts. But if you need any individual help; I’m a nice guy and willing to help. Send me a message via themeforest, or send me an email (you get my email with the theme)

Hope you enjoy!

Download AdminSkin HTML


  1. Can this be used with wordpress. I have no clue how to add it unless it does it automatically.

  2. It could be used with wordpress, along with any other admin backend.

  3. I am in the process of customizing this nice design. I have a few quick questions:

    1) Can you tell me what fonts and colors you used for the logo?

    2) Is there a way to make sure the whole page expands if the user maximizes the browser window?

    3) In Firefox, When you click on the left navigation buttons, the mouse button click highlights a box around the menu item you clicked on. But the highlighted area and the menu item do not overlap completely but intersect; they seem to be off by about 20%.

    4) IE seems to have some problems with rendering it. Is that so or perhaps I did something wrong?

  4. Hi,

    First off, thanks for purchasing the theme!

    1) I used Gotham Black, but you can easily use any other font type if you’d like. If you really want to keep the same font, you can email me with a request of the text you’d like, and I can produce it for you.

    As far as the color, I am going to assume you mean the default color scheme (although there are two alternatives as well). For the “admin” part I used #eaeaea and for the “skin” part I used #97876e. Then I overlayed a light grey-white gradient over it at 33% opacity. You can also just consult the psd file and edit it to your liking.

    2)As far as making the content expand as the window expands, I designed it to stay the same so that you don’t have to worry about how the content will be formatted on varying computer screens. This would take a moderate amount of time to alter. But I think you’re better off leaving it, as it will prove to be much less work in the long run.

    3)I know what you’re talking about with this issue. This is a relatively quick fix, and I might upload an updated version of this theme to fix this. How important is it to the users that bought this theme?

    4)What version of IE are you using? If you’d like to email me, I would be happy to give you a couple of quick tips for any problems you are having.

    My email is included in the PDF reference sheet.

    Once again thanks for purchasing this theme,

    Connor Zwick

  5. Hello Connor,

    Thank you for your answers. I sent you an email a few days ago; perhaps it got marked as spam. I will try again. I will put in the subject line: “Admin Skin Template” so it does not get into the spam folders.


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